Hope is the keyword in Grijpskerk, hope that the VV will do better in the second half of the season. After the firt half, the VV sits in 11th position with only 10 points and tied with Drenthina, just one point more then Blauw Wit '34 and only 4 more then bottom feeder Leeuwarder Zwaluwen. Effective at the end of the season, Grijpskerk's current Head Coach, Luitzen Nijboer, will try his luck at Blauw Wit '34 who signed him away from the redshirts. The "smallruggen" are now in the market for a new Head Coach and at this point is is obviously unclear whether the VV will be able to remain in the first division or , with a worse second then first half of the season, be relegated to the second division. Next up is #3 Holwierde on 1/28/12.
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