2009 Alumni Team picture
More alumni showed up (physically) then any other time in NW soccer history to play the "old timers game". When I "asked" all players to "get on the line" a few were taken aback and thought they must have come back for two-a-days and suggested that this was maybe a good time to just go home. But all of them stuck around and the line was merely the manner in wich the coaches were splitting up the teams. All of the alumni seemed to be in playing shape, at least for one night. A competetive game commenced which at times must have been entertaining to the crowd, judging by the comments during and after the game. Only once did the crowd boo a player when he (Duerksen) missed a scoring opportunity despite the fact that the pass from Nate "the Great" Davidhizar was behind coach.Of course the coaches Duerksen and Dijkstra's team won (for a little while they had "mistakenly" 12 players on the field). Worth repeating next year with a little change where the game will be from 6-7 pm and the Red-Back scrimmage to follow at 7:30 to allow some interaction between alumni, players and coaches.
The Red-Black scrimmage started a little late. Both teams were made up of Varsity & JV players and fairly even in abilities. The scrimmage gives the coaches the opportunity to look at the players in a real game format and it also lets the coaches test the field, the scoreboard, the sound system and the lights. All of it seemed to be in working order. The game gives the players an opportunity to play in front of a crowd -and we did have a nice crowd- as well as play on their home field. The game was, all in all, a succes. The coaches realize we have very young teams and not a lot of experience yet but there is potential for sure. The goal for JV is to have a winning season. The team is very young but has a very talented sophomore & freshman class. The Varsity has a lot of starting positions to fill and it will take time to make the adjustments that are needed but hopefully we will improve to the point where we are competetive and hopefully have a shot at a fourth consecutive Sectional Crown
Sock money - $ 14.00 (for two pair; one white/one black)
Shirt etc. orders due Monday
Tailgate ticktes/money due Monday
Car wash at LJ Wagner from 10 am - 2 pm tomorrow!!!!
Go to the NWsoccerpic link for pictures from last night.
Check out the Picture recap at the bottom of the site!
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